Enemy (prepis piesne)

You are, enemy, you are my hated enemy!
I am, enemy, number one rated enemy!
I’m labeled enemy, I am your mortal enemy!
My actions enemy, make me your bitter enemy!
All the world around enemy,
they are tearing up the ground enemy
they are drawn in by the sound enemy,
enemy I must eliminate my enemy
Your people, enemy!
My peoples hated enemy!
What are you?! Enemy!!
Though a created enemy
Terminate the enemy
Eradicate the hated enemy
I am an enemy
My very greatest enemy
You try to tell me that you love life..
Then find another way to kill life..

Pridané dňa od PassioN
Tento obsah bol zaradený v Ars poetica. Zálohujte si trvalý odkaz.

O PassioN

Misery and pain are the only ways to be a human being. Myslím, že táto veta hovorí za všetko tak načo písať viac.

1 Responses to Enemy (prepis piesne)

  1. Gnaag povedal:
    Redakcia prosí, aby ak autor iba upraví cudzí text pridal aj odkaz na zdroj. Mohli by sme byť napadnutí za plagiátorstvo. Za porozumenie ďakujeme.

    Toto je voľný prepis textu Disturbed: Conflicts

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