I can hear what you’re thinking,
all your doubts and fears.
And if you look in my eyes, in time you’ll find,
the reason I’m here.
And in time all things shall pass away.
In time, you may come back someday,
to live once more, or die once more.
But in time, your time will be no more.
You know your days are numbered.
Count them one by one.
Like notches in the handle of an outlaw’s gun.
You can outrun the devil, if you try,
but you’ll never outrun the hands of time.
In time there surely, come a day.
In time all things shall pass away.
In time you may come back some say.
To live once more, or die once more.
But in time, your time will be no more.
I can hear what you’re thinking…
- ISSN 1337-4818
- Akcie (8)
- Ars poetica (406)
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- 54 autorov
- 706 príspevkov
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- Dnešný svet (58)
- Blázon (32)
- Mojej milovanej… (30)
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VAROVANIE: Ďalší prepis, tak ako väčšina tvojej „tvorby.“
originál: Mark Collie – In Time
Toto je voľný prepis textu Mark Colie: In Time
Autor tým určite niečo sleduje, takže bacha. Veľkí umelci napodobňujú, géniovia kopírujú. Pablo Picasso (ten zmrd vedel čo hovorí, ale aj tak fuck off PassioN)