I need you `cos I can’t feel
Nothing blue nothing real.
Sky is cloudy, where are you?
I feel something, something new.
I think moe it is true
Oh my darling I love you
I need your lips I need your love
Oh my loving be all mine.
I need your touch I need your smile
Without you I can`t survive.
But now I know that where is trouble
Your heard belong to another
Not me poor poet
I have nothing but a simple advice. Try to write in your native…
vitaj na ghette jozo!!!uz sa tesim na tvoje povacsinou basnicke diela
cau moj milacik, si este vacsi romantik ako ja … rasties … a vies, ze Rimbaud napisal svoje najlepsie basne do svojich 19-stich rokov?
To samé pre mojho miláčika. Kiežby to raz prečítal. Nejako ho tu dotrepem aj keď snáď pohrda umením, to sa mu iste zapáči.
Po svojich 19-tich rokoch už Rimbaud nenapísal žiadne básne..
dokelu to uz som tusim v tom stadiu..