If it keeps on rainin‘, levee’s goin‘ to break
And the water gonna come in, have no place to stay
Well all last night I sat on the levee and moan
Thinkin‘ ‚bout my baby and my happy home
If it keeps on rainin‘, levee’s goin‘ to break
And all these people have no place to stay
Now look here mama what am I to do
I ain’t got nobody to tell my troubles to
I work on the levee mama both night and day
I ain’t got nobody, keep the water away
Oh cryin‘ won’t help you, prayin‘ won’t do no good
When the levee breaks, mama, you got to lose
I work on the levee, mama both night and day
I work so hard, to keep the water away
I had a woman, she wouldn’t do for me
I’m goin‘ back to my used to be
I’s a mean old levee, cause me to weep and moan
Gonna leave my baby, and my happy home
- ISSN 1337-4818
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Prijemne, atmosfericke…:)
kua to tu uz dakde bolo …
Také cepelíny sem hádzať, to si prebral aj tie zvyšné texty? Objav roka..
a ja neviem co je [livii]
levee – násyp, alebo hrádza. Voľný preklad: „Keď sa všetko poserie“
Toto je voľný prepis textu Led Zeppelin: When the levee breaks (Led Zeppelin IV – 1971)
asi by som mohla niekedy pouzit slovnik… ale ty si spolahlivejsi (sak druhy statnicovy, co? 😛 )
…nič sa neboj, levee som zistil tiež… er… ehm… len pomocou slovníka 🙂